Wildlife Deep Dives

How Do Owls Fly So Quietly?

How Do Owls Fly So Quietly?

There are two hypotheses as to why owls have adapted to fly so silently compared to other birds. The first is that flying silently helps them capture prey by making sure the prey doesn’t know they’re coming. The second is that because owls rely on hearing to capture prey they can’t see, noisy flying would interfere with their ability to locate prey.
by OBDKon March 22, 2021
Nesting Season Has Begun!

Nesting Season Has Begun!

As we round the corner from winter to spring, nesting is beginning for many of our favorite birds. While most don’t start until April, some species like Great Horned Owls, Golden Eagles, and Red-tailed Hawks have already begun.
by OBDKon March 19, 2021
Education + Fun!

Education + Fun!

You’ve been asked to do a lot this year. You’re juggling all of your own responsibilities plus your children’s online education. You’ve figured out how to work zoom, Google hangouts, how to submit online homework, whatever your children have needed for class. Our I Am Lil’ Shark puzzle is the answer. 
by OBDKon March 19, 2021
What do you know about Boreal Owls?

What do you know about Boreal Owls?

Boreal owls are known scientifically as Aegolius funereus. They also are known as Tengmalm’s Owl, after the surname of a Swedish naturalist. These birds are about the size of a robin, and stand between 8 and 11 inches tall.
by OBDKon March 17, 2021
What's the most well known bear in North America?

What's the most well known bear in North America?

Black bears are the most well known bears in North America. They’re also the smallest of all the bears in this region, and are native to North America. They aren't found anywhere else in the world. They live throughout Canada and the United States, including Alaska.
by OBDKon March 12, 2021
Homeschooling and Online Classes Made Easy

Homeschooling and Online Classes Made Easy

Science is so important for children. It helps them learn about the world around them, ask questions, and discover how fun it can be to figure out something new! 

If you haven’t yet joined the team of our amazing and satisfied customers, now is the time! Owl pellets are a great, fun, and ethical way to teach about dissection, anatomy, and the food chain.

by OBDKon March 10, 2021
How did the Northern Saw-whet Owl get its name?

How did the Northern Saw-whet Owl get its name?

These owls are very good at laying low and not being discovered. They live in forests in North America and for the winter, they’ll migrate to the central and southern areas of the United States. Their feathers help them stay hidden during the day, while they wait for dusk to fall so they can hunt. 

They are the Saw-whet owl. 

by OBDKon March 08, 2021
What goes into wildlife rehabilitation?

What goes into wildlife rehabilitation?

According to the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association, the goal of wildlife rehabilitation is to care for sick or injured wild animals with the goal of returning them to the wild as soon as they’re able. Facilities that do this work closely with veterinarians and have a vast knowledge of how to care for these animals – both physically and psychologically.
by OBDKon March 05, 2021
A Follow Up Lesson Plan For You

A Follow Up Lesson Plan For You

Help your students really understand and care for their environment with a follow up lesson that helps the information stick. After watching both films, pose questions to your students or children to discuss what they’ve learned between the two films. 
by OBDKon March 03, 2021