Education + Fun!

by OBDK on March 19, 2021

Are you feeling frustrated with everything the pandemic has thrown your way?


Are you feeling stretched thin trying to keep on top of everything?

You’ve been asked to do a lot this year. You’re juggling all of your own responsibilities plus your children’s online education. You’ve figured out how to work zoom, Google hangouts, how to submit online homework, whatever your children have needed for class. 


They’re probably just as burnt out from all the adjustments as you are. 


There has to be another way. Something that serves as a fun break from the computer screen and gets your kids engaged in a new topic. 


Our I Am Lil’ Shark puzzle is the answer. 


Learning and having fun go hand in hand with this one. This puzzle is 100 pieces and comes with a poster that has a shark image on one side and fun facts on the other – like did you know that sharks are left immediately by their mothers after they’re born? This is because they already have teeth to defend themselves! 


When finished, the puzzle measures 38”x23”. Easily handled by children ages 5 and up. 


Get yours here

And if you need something more challenging, check out our 300 piece I Am Lion poster here


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