Nesting Season Has Begun!

by OBDK on March 19, 2021

As we round the corner from winter to spring, nesting is beginning for many of our favorite birds. While most don’t start until April, some species like Great Horned Owls, Golden Eagles, and Red-tailed Hawks have already begun.1


This is to make sure there’s enough time for these bigger birds to grow and fledge in time for the plethora of new prey that will be available as the weather gets warmer.1


These birds all build or find their nests in different ways:

Eagles – create their nests in mature trees and continue to build on them year after year. They can be up to 9 feet wide and 5 feet deep.2 

Red-tailed Hawks – have much smaller nests than eagles, even the sticks they use are smaller than those that eagles use. These nests tend to not be as wide as they are deep.2

Great Horned Owls – tend to use nests built by other animals or use cavities. They usually start nesting in February.2 


Check out our article here to dive deeper into the nests these birds build. Find out where they build their nests, how high up they build them, and more! 

Sources & Further Reading:


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