Wildlife Deep Dives

Deep Dive: Spectacled Owls

Deep Dive: Spectacled Owls

The Spectacled Owl is named because of the markings on its face that make it look like it’s wearing glasses! They have dark brown feathers on their face, with white streaks between and around the eyes.



by OBDKon February 07, 2022
Is There a Difference Between a Raptor and a Bird of Prey?

Is There a Difference Between a Raptor and a Bird of Prey?

Have you ever considered what the criteria are for a bird to be a raptor? It can get pretty complicated. Mostly because A, some people usually use the term “raptor” interchangeably with the term “bird of prey”; B, because some people also only use “raptor” to discuss birds that are Falconiformes; and C, because scientists are still trying to figure out exactly what classifies a bird as a raptor.
by OBDKon February 04, 2022
Deep Dive - Burrowing Owls

Deep Dive - Burrowing Owls

They prefer habitats that are open, like prairies or deserts. The majority of their time is spent on the ground, and they have long legs compared to other owls, which helps them run along the ground and capture their prey.

This is a Deep Dive: Burrowing Owls. 

by OBDKon January 31, 2022
Deep Dive: Northern Saw-whet Owls

Deep Dive: Northern Saw-whet Owls

Northern Saw-whet Owls are pretty common owls that live in forest environments. They can usually be found in mixed coniferous and deciduous forests, and they’ll make their nests in the cavities of trees. These cavities are usually made by woodpeckers, and these owls will choose ones that are between 15 and 60 feet high.
by OBDKon January 24, 2022
Decorating Your Classrooms Helps Students Learn!

Decorating Your Classrooms Helps Students Learn!

Students can learn on their own outside of a lesson when there are posters up on the walls. Our graphic and informative posters can also reinforce concepts learned during lessons. Visually, they can make a space more inviting and comfortable for students and encourage engagement in new topics. 
by OBDKon January 19, 2022
Deep Dive - Boreal Owl

Deep Dive - Boreal Owl

They stand about 8-9 inches tall and have a wingspan of 21-24 inches. They have “extreme reversed sexual dimorphism”, which means the females are larger than the males and weigh almost double what the males do. Females weigh about 6.4 ounces, while the males weigh about 3.8 ounces.

They are the Boreal Owl. 

by OBDKon January 17, 2022
Why Do We Study Owls And Dissect Their Owl Pellets?

Why Do We Study Owls And Dissect Their Owl Pellets?

Why do we study owls and dissect their pellets? 

 Because we can get a ton of information from them – information that can help us better understand what goes on in a habitat and the influence that owls have on that habitat. 

by OBDKon January 14, 2022
Learn More With Our Puzzles

Learn More With Our Puzzles

Did you know that when llamas feel threatened, they’re known to spit? 

Or did you know that because cardinals are a popular bird, it’s led to an increase in winter bird feeders to attract them and has helped their population increase? They’ve adapted to parks and suburban habitats!

by OBDKon January 12, 2022
Deep Dive - Ferruginous Pygmy Owl

Deep Dive - Ferruginous Pygmy Owl

Ferruginous Pygmy Owls look very similar to Northern Pygmy Owls, but their range is further south within the United States. They’re really only found in the southern parts of Texas and Arizona – and even then, it’s rare to spot them.
by OBDKon January 10, 2022