Why Do We Study Owls And Dissect Their Owl Pellets?

by OBDK on January 14, 2022

Why do we study owls and dissect their pellets? 


Because we can get a ton of information from them – information that can help us better understand what goes on in a habitat and the influence that owls have on that habitat. 


When we study owls, we can learn about environmental issues that may be present in an area, we can gain helpful information about certain adaptations they have, and we can see what prey they go after in their habitat. 


When we dissect their pellets, we can learn a lot about what the dynamics are in a certain location. We’re able to identify what species of prey are present, what pests pose a potential threat to farmers, and what diseases might be around. When we study pellets in an area over time, we can also see the trends of prey change. 


Read about which owls we tend to focus on and more in-depth information about them in our guide here


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