Wildlife Deep Dives

Check out these three scholarship opportunities from our friends at V School

Check out these three scholarship opportunities from our friends at V School

The COVID-19 health crisis is rapidly changing our day-to-day lives. And with so many people now out of work, we needed to find a way to help as many people as possible transition into a career in tech. We’ve put together $1M in community relief funds to help people re-skill for careers in tech by providing $6,000 toward tuition for our web development and UX/UI design online programs. 
by OBDKon November 18, 2020
What you need to know about Great Horned Owls

What you need to know about Great Horned Owls

Great horned owls have an interesting diet. They’ll eat animals common to other owls like voles, mice, squirrels, or snakes, but they’ll also take down bigger animals like foxes, skunks, falcons, and other owls. In particular, great horned owls will prey upon barn owls.
by OBDKon November 16, 2020
Common Owls North America

Common Owls North America

Owls are so similar in a lot of ways when it comes to their hunting abilities and prey preference and also so different when it comes to where they prefer to live and what they look like! 
by OBDKon November 13, 2020
What makes a wolf a wolf?

What makes a wolf a wolf?

As members of the canidae family, wolves share many characteristics with their smaller cousins. However, there are some key differences that make a wolf a wolf. What are they?
by OBDKon November 13, 2020
Barn owls help farmers save time and money. Learn how.

Barn owls help farmers save time and money. Learn how.

Barn owls are awesome. They help farmers save time and money, and they help maintain a healthy environment. They’re a cheaper, more environmentally friendly option to keep rodent populations under control in vineyards, orchards, and farms.
by OBDKon November 13, 2020
Barn Owl Homes

Barn Owl Homes

What’s important to you in a home? Is it safety? Or comfort? Do you prefer to live in a certain area over another? Or have your bedroom face East or West? When it comes to choosing their homes, barn owls aren’t super picky. However, they do require a few things from a potential nesting site if they’re going to move in. 

by OBDKon November 09, 2020
Barn Owl Prey, All Types

Barn Owl Prey, All Types

When you dissect an owl pellet, you know you’ll find the bones of the various prey that owls eat on a daily basis. But how much do you know about the different types of prey itself? 

by OBDKon November 06, 2020
Hibernation to Huckleberries: Bear Cubs

Hibernation to Huckleberries: Bear Cubs

If you have siblings, you know what it’s like to share the attention of your parents with your brothers and sisters. It may be frustrating, but tends to not be a life or death situation. We can’t say the same for bears. 
by OBDKon November 06, 2020
Owl Mythology/Folklore

Owl Mythology/Folklore

As Halloween approaches, let’s dive into some of the more misunderstood, spooky aspects of owls. Over our next two Monday emails, we’ll be exploring owls in mythology and folklore. Today, we’ll chat about the good, while next week we’ll chat about the bad
by OBDKon November 06, 2020