The American Mink Is An Invasive Species In Europe

by OBDK on May 18, 2022

American Minks are carnivores that live in aquatic environments.1 Their dark brown fur (which has some white patches) is waterproof and they have webbed feet to help them navigate their habitats.2&3 


You might think of fur coats when you hear about these animals. 


That’s because they are closely linked to the fur industry. Fur farms were created to meet the demand for mink fur. American Minks found their way into European habitats when some escaped the fur farms. They’re an invasive species to Europe and have been the source of many problems for European wildlife.4


Minks play an important role in their environments. They are an indicator species, which means you can look at how they’re faring in their own environment and gain insight into how the rest of the habitat is doing.1


Minks are also predators in their environment. They eat many animals like rabbits, snakes, frogs, and muskrats.3 They don’t, in turn, face many threats from other animals. Some bigger predators like coyotes may pose a risk, but the biggest threat tends to be humans.2 


According to the IUCN, the American Mink has a status of Least Concern. They can be found throughout Canada and the United States.2


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