Which Carnivores Have the Strongest Bite?

by OBDK on December 07, 2022

Have you ever wondered which carnivores have the strongest bite? Scientists have certainly wondered about this and have done several studies to figure out who wins the title of having the strongest bite. 
In these studies, different methods were used to determine bite force – measuring the bite in newtons, pounds per square inch (psi), or bite force quotient (BFQ). Check out some of the strongest biters in the animal kingdom:
Lions and Tigers 
These big cats have a bite of 4,450 newtons, which is also 1,000 psi.1 In the study using BFQ, lions came in at 124. Anything over 100 BFQ signaled that the bite force was stronger than scientists initially expected.2
Saltwater crocodiles have a bite of 16,460 newtons or 3,700 psi. The data from this study has been used to estimate what the bite strength of ancient crocodiles might have been. Estimations have been made that the strength of their bites could have been similar to a T. Rex!1
Tasmanian Devil 
If a score over 100 BFQ meant a stronger bite than initially expected, the Tasmanian Devil pulls off a great surprise. It scored 181 BFQ. Tasmanian Devils are built to crush the bones of their prey easily.2

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  1. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/120315-crocodiles-bite-force-erickson-science-plos-one-strongest

  2. https://www.nwf.org/Magazines/National-Wildlife/2009/Least-Weasel-Carnivore-Bites

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