Male and Female Snowy Owls: Know the Difference?

by OBDK on April 21, 2021

Can you tell the difference between male and female Snowy Owls? 


These birds hang out in the Arctic tundra.1 They are white with dark brown markings – this is what helps us identify them. While both males and females can have these markings, females tend to have more of them. Their markings are usually thicker and appear on their bodies with more frequency than males.2  Males also tend to lose those markings and become more fully white as they age.3


In their habitats, these owls like to nest in places that are higher up, like a ridge, so they can see what’s going on around them.1 When they’re not nesting, they’ll hang out on the ground or perch somewhere like on a fence.3


Learn more about Snowy Owls with one of our Snowy Owl posters! 

Whether you want to show off your love for these owls or use it as a tool in the classroom, this poster is sure to do the trick! 

They measure 18”x24”, are laminated, and are full of information all about Snowy Owls! They're a perfect addition to any space.  

Don't miss out! Only $6.99. Get it here!

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