When do owlets leave the nest?

by OBDK on September 13, 2021

How quickly owls develop after they hatch depends on the species of owl. Usually though, a few weeks after hatching, there’s a time where the baby owls will walk around the nest or climb onto a nearby branch. Following that is when they learn to fly until they finally they leave to go off on their own.1


Check out a few timelines for these owls: 

Barn Owls 

By 5 weeks old, baby Barn Owls can run, jump, and pounce. It’s not until around 8 weeks that they can make short flights. By 10 weeks they’re much better fliers and finally look like their parents. At 13 weeks, these owls know instinctively to leave their home and find their own place.2

Great Horned Owls 

It takes about six weeks for these owls to start to branch out and leave their nests to explore a little bit. They're able to fly about three weeks later. These owls will continue to stay with their parents for a few months.3

Screech Owls 

Screech owls will take about 4-5 weeks to learn to fly.1 It won’t be until around 8 or 10 weeks for Eastern Screech Owls to take off and leave their nests.3



Check out more of our resources on owls here.

  1. https://www.owlpages.com/owls/articles.php?a=11

  2. https://www.barnowltrust.org.uk/barn-owl-facts/owlets-young-barn-owls/

  3. https://www.conservancyforcvnp.org/taking-flight-fledging-time-for-baby-owls-in-cvnp/

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