Can You Tell Ravens & Crows Apart?

by OBDK on February 23, 2022

Do you know the difference between ravens and crows? It can be hard to tell them apart. However, there are some key differences between the two: 

· Ravens are much larger, about the size as a Red-tailed Hawk. 
· Crows hang out in larger groups. 
· A crow’s tail feathers are the same length, while ravens have a longer one in the middle.1

Ravens are part of the Corvidae family.2 They’re extremely intelligent. They can recognize you years after they first saw you, are great at solving problems, and collect items they deem interesting.1&2 Ravens are talented fliers and ride thermals high in the air.1 They’re also capable of amazing acrobatics while they fly.2

Overall, ravens are a widespread species. Their success is partially attributed to the fact that they eat both live prey they’ve hunted and carrion. 

Dive deeper into ravens with Alan Lacy’s Filming the Wild video. He chats about these birds’ intelligence, the folklore and myths they inspire, their role in the ecosystem, and more. Join along for the ride to see these birds fly and learn how they’re banded to help with research. 

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