Have you been lucky enough to catch an owl hooting at night?
Did you wonder exactly what it meant?
The sounds owls make are different between species, but even individually they can make a variety of unique sounds.
For example, the Eastern Screech Owl has a more high-pitched trill, while the Barred Owl has 4 short bursts of hoots it makes. The reasons they call out can vary, so what are the most common ones?
Male owls will sit within their territory and call out, waiting for a female to answer him back. She’ll come back with hoots of her own, and they’ll call back and forth to each other.
Usually the most common reason for hooting. Owls will call out in order to let others know that this territory is already occupied.
If an owl feels threatened by a predator in its territory, it will call out in order to try to drive the predator away. These sounds can sound more like clicks, growls, or barks!
Owls make their first sounds as chicks within the egg. Over time, they’ll have their own individual style that makes it easy for them to tell each other apart – just like us!
You can learn a lot more about owls through their pellets, like where they live, what type of animals they prefer to eat, and more! Grab a single pack, a 2 pack, or even a 10 pack! Pellet dissection offers endless fun and excitement each time! |