An Owl's Eyes and Ears Help Them Hunt!

by OBDK on November 26, 2021

We have two videos for you to check out today all about owls’ ears, eyes, and hunting skills! 


One of the great senses that owls have is their hearing. This allows them to hunt and pinpoint exactly where their prey is, even if they’re hidden under the brush. Owls’ eyes are in the front of their head – something that’s unlike other bird species –  because there isn’t any room on the sides of their head since their ears are there!  


In fact, if you look into an owl’s ears, you’ll see the back of their eyes. Their eyes are tubular and have sclerotic rings to hold them into place. This is very different from our own eyes. Owls have a smaller field of vision than we do, but they’re able to make up for it with their higher range of mobility in their necks, which allows them to see everything around them.

See more in our first video here or click on the video below. 

Then check out our second video to continue the discussion on how well owls can see.

This video talks about what adaptations barn owls have that make them the perfect hunter. Their ability to see their prey from far away, hear their prey with their asymmetrical ears, fly silently toward their prey, and grab their prey with their talons, makes them quite a threat to voles on the ground.

Learn about each of these in more depth in the video below!

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