Why Study Owls?

by OBDK on June 04, 2021

Studying owls gives us really great insight into an ecosystem. They are prime subjects to look at because of how much information they can give us. We can learn about: 

  • How valuable they are to an area, whether it’s urban or rural 

  • How a balanced ecosystem functions 

  • Environmental issues that need to be addressed


Through their pellets, we can learn about: 

  • Pests living in a specific area and how they affect farming communities 

  • Diseases that are present in an ecosystem

  • Dissection and develop problem-solving skills 

  • Anatomy and the structure of the food chain 


Read our article here to dive deeper into why we study owls, what we learn from Barn Owls and Great Horned Owls, why Great Horned Owls are such great survivors, and more! 


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