What's The Most Common Bird Of Prey In The US?

by OBDK on June 13, 2022

Have you ever wondered what the most common bird of prey is in the United States? Which bird of prey are you most likely to spot when you’re out and about? 


It’s the Red-Tailed Hawk! 

These birds are very adaptable and so can fare well in a variety of environments. So they’re widespread throughout the United States. They are about 18-26 inches tall, with a wingspan of 43-55 inches. They also weigh 1.5-3.5 pounds.1 


Another common bird of prey you’ll find is the Osprey

These are one of the most common birds of prey throughout the world. They can be found on every single continent excluding Antarctica. These birds of prey usually go after fish as their primary food source.2


Meanwhile, can you guess the most common bird of prey in the UK?

It’s the Common Buzzard


While they are usually found in woodlands, scrublands, farmlands, and even rural areas, they’ve been caught living in busy cities, like Glasgow.3 



Learn more about raptors on our website! You can check out our library of video resources here or get one of our owl pellet packs.  


Owl pellet packs are a great way to learn more about owls, their prey, and their environment! It’s also a perfect activity to practice problem-solving and detective skills. Our Sherlock Bones pack with the guide is a perfect starting place!

Order now!  

1.     https://birdwatchinghq.com/birds-of-prey-in-the-usa/
2.     https://www.thespruce.com/types-of-birds-of-prey-387307
3.     https://birdfact.com/articles/birds-of-prey-in-the-uk

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