Ever Wondered About Lone Wolves?

by Chris Anderson on July 02, 2021

Sometimes wolves leave the pack they were born into and go off on their own to form their own packs. There are three main reasons for this: 
  • Food competition

  • Sexual competition 

  • Excessive aggression within the pack 


When a wolf leaves a pack, it’s called dispersal. When they do this, there are three things they need to survive: 

  • A mate

  • Access to food 

  • Their own territory 


While it may seem odd that a wolf would leave their pack and go off on their own, it’s actually essential to the survival of the species overall. Dispersed wolves bring new genes into new packs. 


Read more in this article about which wolves are more likely to disperse, what happens within a pack structure to cause them to leave, and more. 


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