Hawaiian Hoary Bats Are Endemic to Hawaii

by Chris Anderson on June 13, 2023
Hawaiian Hoary Bats are really small – they only weigh about half an ounce!1 They hold the title of the only endemic land mammal that’s left in Hawaii.2 They are considered endangered.1

Not a lot is known about these bats as other animals, mostly because they’re hard to find because they’re so small. But scientists have been making efforts to learn more about these bats so they can figure out how best to protect them.3

You may associate bats with caves, but these bats actually roost in trees. But just like other species of bat, they are nocturnal.2 They are migratory – they’ll migrate between elevations. In the summer and fall, they’ll be in lower elevations, then in the winter, they’ll move to higher elevations. Hawaiian Hoary Bats will roost and forage in the same places.3

These bats will hunt at night. Their favorite source of food is moths.2
They face many threats, including:1&2
  • Barbed wire 
  • Wind turbines 
  • Communication towers 
  • Habitat loss 
Learn more – did you catch our blog on seagulls? Read it here!
  1. https://mauiinvasive.org/2014/12/01/hawaiian-hoary-bat-our-only-native-land-mammal/
  2. https://www.nps.gov/havo/learn/nature/hawaiian-bat.htm
  3. https://www.usgs.gov/pacific-island-ecosystems-research-center/science/ecology-and-distribution-endangered-hawaiian
  4. https://wolfcenter.org/the-hawaiian-hoary-bat-arrived-in-hawaii-10000-years-ago/

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