Deep Dive: Greater Yellow-headed Vulture

by OBDK on December 05, 2022

Last week we spoke about the Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture – this week we’re going to talk about the Greater Yellow-headed Vulture! Once thought to be the same species, this vulture was declared an individual species in 1964.1 
Just like the Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture, they’re considered to be of least concern. They also look very similar to the Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture, with black feathers and a yellow head that has some shades of red and blue.2
However, some differences in appearance you can catch between these two are: 
  • Wing color – Greater Yellow-headed Vultures have wings that have both gray feathers and black feathers.2
  • Flying – These vultures hold their wings horizontally, while Lesser Yellow-headed Vultures hold them in a V-shaped position.1
Greater Yellow-headed Vultures stand about 25-31 inches tall, have a wingspan of 65 to 70 inches, and weigh around 3 to 4 pounds.1 They’re part of the Cathartidae family.2 They feed on carrion and will eat animals like monkeys, sloths, and fish. They spend their time in lowlands and mature forests, and they’ll nest in tree cavities.1 
Did you catch our blog last week about Lesser Yellow-headed Vultures? Read it here
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