How do foxes differ from other members of the canidae family?

by OBDK on March 02, 2021

How do foxes differ from other members of the canidae family?

How much do you know about foxes and how they differ from other animals in the canidae family? 


Other members include wolves, jackals, coyotes, and our own dogs. Foxes are the smallest members of this family. Generally, they weigh between 12 and 15 pounds. Some subspecies include:

  • Gray foxes

  • Red foxes

  • Swift foxes 

  • Kit foxes 


Gray foxes live in Southern Canada, the Southern US, and parts of South America. Kit Foxes are the smallest, weighing between 3 and 6 pounds. They can be found in the Southwestern part of the US, and the northern parts of Central Mexico.

Swift Foxes are around the size of a house cat, and are found in areas of Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. Red foxes, on the other hand, are found almost everywhere. They’re the most abundant fox, as they are easily adaptable to new environments. 


Read our article here to learn more about the various members of the canidae family, including how to tell the difference between them! 


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