When do bears use dens?

by OBDK on November 05, 2021

Bears use dens while hibernating during the wintertime. These dens are only used for this purpose and aren’t used year-round. Most bears can be found in both wooded environments as well as more open ones, although certain species may prefer one environment over the other. 


For example, grizzly bears prefer open spaces like open tundra and alpine meadows, while black bears tend to prefer wooded areas that provide more cover. 


Dens are important because they keep bears safe while they hunker down for the wintertime. Female bears will enter their dens while pregnant and give birth in their dens before spring arrives. Read more about this as well as learn about how many offspring are born at a time, how they learn to fend for themselves, and how long they stay with their mother before they’re capable of being on their own. 


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