How To Stay Safe in Cougar Country

by OBDK on August 20, 2021
Hi *|FNAME|*, 

Have you ever seen a cougar? 


Most people haven’t, since these big cats are pretty elusive. This skill in keeping a low profile is what helps them capture their prey because they aren’t built for long chases like cheetahs are. Instead, they rely on stalking to close the gap between themselves and their prey before they strike. 


Cougars love places that have a lot of cover so they can hide and stalk their prey – so if there are good places to hide and a plentiful source of prey, most likely they’re hanging around. If you ever do see one, there are important steps you can take to keep yourself safe, like making a lot of noise, making eye contact, and making yourself look as big as possible. 


Check out more information on cougars in this article. Read about a first-hand account of seeing a cougar in the wild, plus: 


  • How day and night affects how cougars interact with their environment 

  • How much cougars will eat annually 

  • The prey differences between male and female cougars 


Read it here


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