Do All Birds Eat the Same Thing?

by OBDK on August 16, 2021

Although birds may have many characteristics in common, their diet isn’t one of them. Diets vary drastically from one bird to another, depending on what they like to eat. Here are some of the different diets that birds have: 


Avivorous – these are birds that eat other birds. Peregrine falcons are an example of an avivore. 


Carnivorous – these are birds that eat the meat of many other animals, like reptiles, mammals, or amphibians. Hawks, vultures, and owls fall into this category. 


Insectivorous – these birds eat mostly insects. Swallows and warblers are prime examples of insectivores. 


Frugivorous – these are birds that eat mostly fruit, like berries, apples, pears, and oranges. Waxwings and toucans are frugivores. 


Nectarivorous – these are birds that mainly eat nectar from flowers. Hummingbirds are nectarivores. 


What about granivores, molluscivores, and mucivores? Discover the rest of these, plus more information about the diets above, in our article here!


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